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The Natural Choice


+48 221 167 167






Finca Santa Rosa is a farm where the plantain fruit is cultivated from which our Chifles are made. It is located on an extremely diverse terrain in the province of Loja, in the southern part of Ecuador – in South America. This region is famous for its beautiful surroundings, clean air, perfect weather (24 degrees Celsius all year round), lower atmospheric pressure (1600 metres above sea level), water richer in iron, and thus – healthy vegetables and fruit. It is there in southern Ecuador – on an idyllic plateau surrounded by the mighty Andes – that the small village of Vilcabamba is situated. In the language of the Incas, the place is called Quechua, which name translates as the „Holy Man’s Valley”. This place is truly special. Nowhere in the Western world are there more people as elderly enjoying top health. Generations of scientists and physicians have tried to solve the mystery of the Vilcabamba longevity. Some claim that the water from the VilcabambaChamba River has therapeutic propereties. Others maintain that the mild climate and a stable temperature between 18 and 22 degrees Celsius are responsible for their longevity. The plantation is located 1,600 metres above sea level, awashed by the extremely clean air, which is purified by the supposedly mystical plant called „hilo”.

We use our 25 hectares to cultivate a wide range of plants, ranging from cold to hot-weather products. Our family business is conducted in the spirit of the three principal values:

  • RESPONSIBILITY for the environment

Our goal is to generate the greatest benefits for our customers by providing top-quality products while developing agriculture for the benefit of our community. In this process, we are able to use our services with a team of different specialists, including economists, engineers and agronomists.